Monday, 28 January 2013

Well, there's only one week left until I leave on my round the world volunteering adventure so I thought I'd better get my blog up and running.
This week I will be saying goodbye to The Garden Gate's cheesecake, Anniek's uncanny ability to make up random words and believe wholeheartedly that they're real (Canedian and Liverpoolian being my all time favourites!), Les Mis in the West End (but not before seeing it for the 10th time on Friday!), Hampstead's beautiful lamp posts and old trees in the snow, the 'A game' bra (sorry Alisha!) and my monthly income to name but a few! But I am embarking on an amazing journey that will hopefully see me change for the better as I try to enhance, in my own tiny way, the lives of people and animals who deserve their lives to be less of a daily struggle for survival and more about living and enjoying life.
And if I don't manage that then at least I'll come home with a tan and I'll be 2 stone lighter from the Delhi Belly!!!


  1. All the best Jenny! Look forward to following your travels over the world over the next few months!

  2. Thanks Gareth. See you tonight for food and fun! x
