Friday, 8 March 2013

A brief news update

Wildtracks news:

  • Duke was weighed on Sunday and is now 190lbs - well done, Duke and the team!
  • We have tried to release Twiggy 3 times now but each time she has returned back to Wildtracks. Guess the thought of the evening banana milkshake is just too strong!
  • The 4 baby Howler Monkeys, Elliot and Izzie, the baby Spider Monkey, went on a little outing yesterday. We took them to one of the cages (near the very curious Coati named Snuffles) and let them run loose for half an hour. They had a great time sunbathing and it was a huge success. Hopefully we will have time to make this a regular occurrence.
  • Yesterday Sinbad, a male Howler Monkey, arrived at Wildtracks. I'm sad to report that he's not in a good condition - his eye is severely damaged, he's seizing and foaming at the mouth and has pneumonia. Paul is looking after him so hopefully he will pull through. We are still waiting for the story to be confirmed as to how he came to be in this condition but it's probable that humans are to blame - shocking if it's true!
  • In slightly better news, we also had another new arrival yesterday - a 2-4 week old baby Howler Monkey. She is very tiny but is well and it looks like she has fallen off her mother. She will be raised by Emma.
  • Currently the majority of the baby monkeys live in Paul and Zoe's bedroom as there is no space for them anywhere else. Wildtracks has managed to secure a grant for £10,000 (just over half of the amount needed) to build a monkey nursery which is fantastic news! The plans sound amazing (double doors will be included which will mean Izzie will escape less often!) and it will allow Zoe and Paul to get their personal space back. I'm sure this is very important to them since the rest of their home is taken over by volunteers the whole year round!
I can't believe that I will be leaving on 17th. I'm having such a great time but I'm looking forward to exploring Belize before heading home for the wedding of the year!


  1. Sad news about Sinbad the monkey. Terrible that they are in danger from people in this way...

    Good news about duke though, does he have a target weight?

  2. Very sad news about Sinbad. Hopefully we'll find out what happened soon.
    Duke needs to get a lot bigger. Twiggy was 296 when she was last weighed and she is about to be released. I assume he needs to get to that stage. 190 was a massive achievement though as he was 180 the previous week.
    Hope you're both well and enjoying the West End!
